Teacher training courses

If you are an primary or secondary school English teacher, we will have the right workshop for you, to help you on your way to becoming a more successful and respected teacher.

Moreover, our workshops can help teachers prepare for the "Titularizare" exam by looking into exam syllabuses and providing practice activities on the range of topics included in the exam, particularly on areas such as testing.

During the workshops you will learn interactive teaching strategies and you will receive practical advice.

The workshops are delivered at the British Council in Bucharest, but we can also organise them in Cluj-Napoca or Iași. Check the workshops below to find out more details such dates and locations available.


Kindergarten English

Designed for kindergarten and primary teachers of English, the workshop offers a wide range of activities (100 games, songs, crafts, poems)  and is suitable for both beginner and experienced teachers.

By bringing together theoretical details and practical aspects, this workshop provides solutions to all sorts of issues such as lack of time or resources, disruptive behaviour or low energy.

Dates Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
31 January - 1 February 2015 10 150 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Kindergarten Topics

Kindergarten Topics is a practical workshop introducing lesson design to kindergarten and primary teachers of English.

The workshop fully covers topics such as family, numbers, clothes, sweets, fruits, furniture and many more. Using a variety of vocabulary games, songs, crafts, stories and rhymes, each topic receives its fair share of examples tested directly on the participants. 

Dates Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
14 - 15 February 2015 8 120 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Teaching English Through Songs

The use of music in the classroom has been proven to support language learning. Our 8 hour workshop uses fun pop music and allows serious debate and deep insight. We give plenty of useful examples of classroom activities which are both entertaining and helpful in your teaching practice.

The workshop focusses on showing examples of how to employ music in the introduction of grammar and vocabulary, in initialising projects, enhancing creativity and developing language skills. Enjoy! 

Dates Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
21 - 22 February 2015 8 120 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Away from the Textbook

Primary and upper-primary teachers of English tired of monotonous textbook material will find this workshop a breath of fresh air!

We provide a large range of creative activities to replace any undesirable textbook practices. We use musical surprises, unusual resources, fun and laughter to make sure the workshop is a memorable and highly useful experience.

Dates  Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
14 - 15 March 2015 8 120 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Breaking the Routine

Do you feel tired or bored, disillusioned or hopeless with your teaching process? You won't anymore after completing our Breaking the Routine workshop!

Spend a weekend in good company learning  a variety of activities, stories and jokes that you can to take back to the classroom and share with your students. This workshop will have you in a good mood, full of motivation and energy, and armed with ideas to break your classroom routine, becoming a teacher your students will admire.

Dates  Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
21 - 22 March 2015 8 120 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Extra English

Do you want help in designing an optional course? Do you want to light a spark into your everyday lessons and turn them into more than just an opportunity for language practice?

These and many more questions will be answered in the Extra English workshop aimed at secondary and high school teachers of English.

Dates  Number of hours Fee Trainer Location
16 - 17 May 2015 12 180 RON  Monica Stoica Bucharest

Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching (CiPELT)

Our Certificate in Primary English Language Teaching (CiPELT) workshop series is aimed for primary English language teachers who work with large mixed-level classes and who have to deal with limited resources. Teachers attending these workshops are required a B1 level of English.

The workshops (30 hours per module) aim to provide practical approaches to improving teaching skills in areas such as lesson planning, learning evaluation and assessment, and resource management. They include quizzes, activities, video and audio content.

CiPELT workshop is divided into three modules. Each module is made up five 6-hour workshops.

  • CiPELT READY - For teachers of primary years 1 and 2. Learn the basics of how children learn and how to make use of resources for this age group. Focus on developing listening and speaking skills in children and nurturing motivation in English language learning.
  • CiPELT STEADY - For teachers of primary years 3 and 4. Learn how children develop cognitively and linguistically. Focus on consolidating listening and speaking skills while beginning to develop literacy skills.
  • CiPELT GO - For teachers of primary years 5 and 6. Build on how children develop cognitively and linguistically. Focus on developing literacy and support writing skills.
Workshop Dates  Time Registration deadline Fee Location
CiPELT READY 12/03/2015
09.00 - 14.30 20 February 2015 250 RON Bucharest
 CiPELT READY 15/03/2015
09.00 - 14.30 20 February 2015 250 RON Iaşi
CiPELT STEADY  *  *  *  *  
CiPELT GO  *  *  *  *  

*To be confirmed. If you are interested in joining the CiPELT STEADY and CiPELT GO workshops, please contact us.

Continuing Professional Development

We organize a series of Continuing Professional Development workshops (CPD), in accordance with the Continuing Professional Development Framework which provide useful personal and professional development for teachers in all contexts: primary, secondary and adult.  

All the workshops are suitable for teachers with a B1 language level and they are relevant at any stage in a teacher’s career. Participants engage in a variety of motivating activities which they are encouraged to adapt for their own classes. In Iaşi, CPD workshops are organised in partnership with Inspectoratul Școlar Iași și Casa Corpului Didactic "Spiru Haret" Iași.

Process writing

The process-writing workshop explores how teachers can help their learners to become better writers through brainstorming, mindmapping, planning, drafting, revising, editing and peer feedback.

Reflective Practice

This workshop is devoted to teaching participants how to reflect on, evaluate and analyse their own teaching practice. They share classroom experiences with fellow-participants and offer advice and suggestions to peers. A key feature is making action plans to deal with classroom issues and challenges.

Workshop Dates  Timetable Fee Location

Process writing

7 March 2015 09.00-14.30 95 RON  Iaşi

Reflective Practice

9 May 2015 09.00-12.30 95 RON  Iaşi

How to register

Please download and complete the registration form (108 KB) to join one of our workshops in Bucharest. Payment instructions can be found in the registration form.

Please contact us if you are interested in joining the workshops in Cluj-Napoca or Iaşi.

We offer discounts if you register for more workshops:

  • 5% discount if you register for two workshops
  • 10% discount if you register for three workshops.

Bespoke workshops

If you are interested in organising one of our workshops in your city, please email us at contact@britishcouncil.ro.